Adel Altoni Kassab - Online Memorial Website

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Adel Kassab
Född i Iraq
53 years
September 5, 1956
Born in on September 5, 1956.
November 30, 2009

Adel was the baby of his siblings. He was a jack-of-all-trades,owning many different successful businesses,he was in the midst of writing a book, and all together he cultivated skills from real world experience that most others must go to graduate school to acquire. Adel was a hard working, savvy and charismatic individual who was the rock of his wife and children and their hero. His wife, Nawal, has lost her best friend and the love of her life.


Adel's favorite saint was St. Therese, the Little Flower, who was known for working in small ways to help others. He went out of his way for everyone he knew, whether it be his kids, his nephews,nieces, siblings or the workers at the gas station down the street whom he brought plates of warm thanksgiving food to just days before he left us. Adel, or Ed as many called him, always had a joke to make you smile. Adel was everybody's favorite uncle and he could charm anyone and make them feel comfortable.


He was taken from us much too soon, but we know he will always be with us and our faith tells us we will all be together again forever. He is and will always be sorely, sorely missed especially by his wife and children.  WE LOVE YOU DAD!


Adel is being welcomed in heaven by loving parents Altoni and Shamama, his grandparents, his eldest brother Sami, his sister Katina and her husband Sam Dabish, his father-in-law Hanna Babi, brothers in-law Shamoo Konja and  Ishak Yasso,  his great nephew Danny and all the relatives that came before us so that we may exist today. Adel has joined his family in heaven and will continue to watch over his wife, Nawal, and his kids, Phillip, Phyllis, Chris, Ryan, and Jacob on earth.

November 30, 2009
Passed away on November 30, 2009.